Saturday 11 June 2011

Is God Real to You

Sitting here looking at my mountain while enjoying a cup of coffee. I'm so pleased I don't have to go to the top of the mountain to find God or to some holy temple. He's right here with me. Still if I did go to the top of the mountain He would be there or if I were in the middle of a bustling city, he would be there.

 It's so sad that so many humans are living this life without the knowledge of a real God. I don't know how they do it. I rely so much on God for direction, strength and companionship that I would be lost without Him. I guess that's where many people are at. Lost without him. God is busily revealing himself to everyone on the planet. If only they would take notice they would then have all that they need to live life here on earth, not just getting by, but really living. 

Perhaps you're one of those who thinks there must be more to life. All you need to do is tell God that you want to get to know Him (and mean it) and he will become real to you and show you what you need to do to have a vibrant relationship with Him. I hope you do, He is the delight of my life and He could be that for you too.

Friday 10 June 2011

Review: Nick of Time by Tim Downes

Nick of Time by Tim Downes

This is a story about a man who loves bugs and uses this knowledge of them to solve murders and a woman who loves dogs and trains them for a similar purpose. They get together and a few days before their wedding they get caught up in all sorts of intrigue including murders, a small minded sheriff, a cabin in the scrub, a mansion by a lake, the FBI and a mystery woman. Will they solve the mystery, survive and get to their wedding? Can the bugs and the dogs help? Plenty of action and the twists will surprise you.

I thought it was a great yarn. Light reading and the fast pace continued all the way through. It was very hard to put down and lots of fun. I loved the author’s sense of humour and there was a good balance of intrigue and suspense. It wasn’t the sort of book where you can work out the end about half way through. In fact, just when you think you have it all worked out, the plot takes an interesting turn.

I really liked the main character, Nick Polchak, and I have made a mental note to see if he features in any other books by Tim Downes. If he does, I’ll certainly read them. Actually, having read this book, I’ll certainly read some more Tim Downes’ books, even if Nick isn’t in them.

It was also refreshing to read a book without any sex, violence or bad language. This book shows that those things aren’t necessary for a good story. I did wonder if a story about a man who is fascinated by bugs and solves murders might be a bit gruesome, but it wasn’t. It was very tastefully handled.

I’d recommend the book to anyone who wants some enjoyable light reading that is well written and not padded out with lots of unnecessary side tracks. A great read.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Thursday 9 June 2011

Where's God?

Do you ever wonder where God is in your current circumstances or perhaps in some previous situation?  You wouldn’t be the only one.

I remember going for a walk by the ocean one day, wondering where God was when I needed Him. He said to me: “you wouldn’t expect the ocean not to be there, would you”…. hmmm… “well, I’m just like that, always there”

It’s all in our perception, isn’t it? Whether we believe a truth or not doesn’t change the truth.  And, the truth is that he will never leave us or abandon us. I love the way David puts it in the psalm 139:

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there, if I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will lay hold of me.

 I can look back and see that during the times I thought He’d gone missing, He was really busy working things out for me. I’m continually amazed at the attention He gives to every little detail of my life. I’m really glad that I can’t escape from Him.

Friday 3 June 2011

How do you Imagine God?

I'm sitting in a cafe enjoying an excellent cup of coffee and a yummy brownie and I'm not alone.  God is enjoying it with me.  He is such great company.

 Imagine having a God who isn't interested in everything you do and every moment of your day, who never intervenes, or does anything miraculous. Who never even speaks to you. Imagine a God that you only know from reading about him in a book, who just wants you to go to church, tithe and lead a good life. The sort of God you hear about on Sunday's and then have a "don't call me, I'll call you" type of attitude. Many christians have just such an experience of God.

 He's not like that. He loves us. He wants to be the most vital part of our day, for us to be aware of him every minute, to talk to us and to guide us, and did I mention bless us. To be our best friend. We are his amazing creation and he wants to enjoy what He has made.

Our Uniqueness

I love the diversity of people, just like fingerprints, no two are the same. Unfortunately we sometimes try to clone ourselves on others that we consider to be successful and so we miss out on all God has for us. He created us to be unique, one of a kind. Have you heard the saying that God threw away the mould when He made that one…well it’s true of all of us. I’ve noticed the longer we follow God and allow Him to make us who we are meant to be, the more unique we become. I love that uniqueness. If we all stopped trying to be someone else and were just ourselves humans would be so much more interesting.

Not only that, but as God gave us all talents, if we were all doing what God wanted us to do, everything God wanted done, would be done, and the rest wouldn’t matter. What’s more we would be more fulfilled as we would be doing what satisfies us most, not what someone else thought we should be doing.

Of course we are all unique, with or without acknowledging God, but I don’t think we can reach our full potential without God working in our lives. If we will not acknowledge God and allow Him to fill us with his Spirit, we will never be all that we could be.