Wednesday 25 May 2011

Altogether Lovely

In church on Sunday we sang the chorus:

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that you’re my God

You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

I had a distinct feeling that God wanted me to sing the first section to him….

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that you’re my God

and that He wanted to sing the second section to me....

 You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

It amazes me that Jesus sees me like that. Not only me but all those that have made him their Saviour & Lord. We need to know that is how He sees us.

God sees us as lovely, worthy & wonderful. Amazing eh! But totally true. Please don't dismiss the idea but pray about it and God will show you that it is true. The relationship that God wants to have with us is out of this world. Try listening next time you sing the chorus and maybe you'll hear Him singing to you.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Freedom to Question

There are two quotes that I love:

“I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire

“He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.” William Drummond

I grew up in a household where there were no subjects which couldn’t be rationally discussed. We didn’t always agree, but then we would happily agree to disagree, the discussion might be fervent, but never heated. So, I assumed that everywhere it was alright to question and discuss anything. I soon learned that wasn’t the case.

Question someone’s theology and the whole world erupts. Why can’t Christians (of all people) question and reasonably discuss anything. It is after all such a good way to learn and to define one’s theology.

Jesus often asked questions and never minded others asking Him questions. Perhaps we need to rethink the whole preaching thing so that it’s a bit more interactive and people can say “ but what about such and such a passage” when they are honestly just trying to get to the truth. It would keep preachers on their toes as well as they would need to be very secure in their theology or be willing to concede that they hadn’t considered another perspective. After all, none of us know it all. God is too big for that.

Our aim should not be self promotion, but an unrelenting search for God’s truth.

Thursday 12 May 2011

My First Blog

This is my first blog. I decided it was time to start blogging and then didn't know what to blog about. The problem is the older I get the less I understand. There are so many mysteries. I've decided to give up trying to understand  God and just enjoy him. I've also decided that human beings are extremely complicated critters, so, I've decided to give up trying to understand them also. I'll just accept them where they are at. Let's face it, I can't change them to suit myself. Really God is the only one who makes lasting change of any eternal value.

It's not a cop out. Actually the opposite. Just enjoying God instead of trying to understand him puts me in a place where I'm more likely to get revelation and accepting people where they are at makes friendship easier.